Headaches & Types of Headaches & Their Causes **

The Amazing Times

A headache or cephalgia is defined as "a pain or ache in the head...It accompanies many diseases and conditions, including emotional distress."

Common Types of Headaches & Their Causes:-

## Rebound headaches:-
         Much like overuse of nasal decongestants can lead to a perpetually stuffy nose, rebound headaches are chronic headaches caused by medication overuse.

## Tension headaches:-
         This is the most common type of headache, which usually feels like a constant aching or pressure - rather than throbbing - on both sides of the head or at the back of the head and neck.

## Dental headaches:-
         There are dental-related conditions that can trigger headaches or face pain, such as bruxism and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). TMJ can be caused by bad jaw alignment, stress, poor posture which affect the cartilage in the jaw.

## Cluster headache:-
         These one-sided headaches are short-lived (15 minutes to 3 hours), but excruciating. These are so painful they're sometimes called the suicide headache.

## Migraines:-
         Migraines are severe headaches that are three times as common in women as men. The cause isn't clear, but genes do play a role, and brain cell activity may affect blood vessel and nerve cell function.

## Caffeine headaches:-
         You love your coffee, but it can be a cruel companion. For example, if you have two cups of coffee every day at 9 a.m., and then miss those cups when you oversleep on Saturday - boom! - you can end up with a caffeine withdrawal headache.

## Orgasm headaches:-
         Orgasm-induced headaches are caused by, well, having an orgasm. These are relatively rare and are more common in younger people, particularly men.

## Early morning headaches:-
         If you're waking up in pain, there are several possible culprits.Migraines are more likely to happen in the morning.

## Sinus headaches:-
         A true sinus headache is related to an infection and comes with nasal discharge that is green or tinged with red, says Dr. Goadsby.

## Ice cream headache:-
         Brain freeze! Most people have experienced the shooting head pain that can occur while enjoying a icy cold drink or treat on a hot day. People with migraines may be especially prone to them.

## Chronic daily headaches:-
         These could be caused by overuse of pain medications (ie, rebound headaches), head injury, or in rare cases, meningitis or tumors.

## Menstrual headaches:-
         These usually occur between three days before and two days after your period has started. Other women may have PMS-related headaches that aren't migraines.

## Weekend headaches:-
         These are thought to be caused by oversleeping on weekend mornings, going to bed later at night, or caffeine withdrawal.

## Emergency headaches:-
         There are a few symptoms. One is a sudden onset headache that is quickly "explosive." Another is when a headache comes with a fever or extreme rise in blood pressure, or if it occurs after a blow to the head or exertion.

Causes of Headache Pain (Video):-

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